Site Reputation Service

Keep your users safe by helping them avoid dodgy or malicious sites. Our site reputation service rates sites based on the risks they pose, allowing your users to make informed choices about what they do online.


Website Safety Scoring

Unsafe Site Alerts

Security Insights


Website Safety Scoring

Unsafe Site Alerts

Security Insights

Website Safety Scoring

Every site rated for safety

Each site is scored against a number of categories to determine if it is safe and can be trusted with a user’s data. This goes much further than just checking the validity of the site certificate.

Website Safety Scoring

Every site rated for safety

Each site is scored against a number of categories to determine if it is safe and can be trusted with a user’s data. This goes much further than just checking the validity of the site certificate.

Unsafe Site Alerts

Make it easy to avoid unsafe sites

Any time your user visits an unsafe site, they will get a warning on the screen. This will help them avoid risks and stay safe online.

Unsafe Site Alerts

Make it easy to avoid unsafe sites

Any time your user visits an unsafe site, they will get a warning on the screen. This will help them avoid risks and stay safe online.

Security Insights

Learn how to stay safe

Hackers and fraudsters rely on the trust and goodwill of their victims. Help your users get better at avoiding risky situations online.

Block online trackers
Block online trackers

Security Insights

Learn how to stay safe

Hackers and fraudsters rely on the trust and goodwill of their victims. Help your users get better at avoiding risky situations online.

Keep your users safe and secure

Contact us to learn how our site reputation service can help boost your own reputation as safety and privacy experts.

Digital Identity

Sudo Decentralized Digital Identities

Decentralized Identity

Identity Wallet

Verifiable Credentials

Cyber Safety

Password Manager

Virtual Private Network

Virtual Cards

Secure ID Verification

Secure Communications

Encrypted Voice

Encrypted Video

Encrypted Email

Encrypted Messaging

Open Communications

Phone Numbers

SMS/MMS Messaging

Voice Calling


Safe Browsing

Private Browser

Ad & Tracker Blocker

Site Reputation Service